POOL Bounties

The PoolTogether Bounties Program is a space for streamlined contributions.

Bounties, compared to Grants is focused on small, well-defined tasks via outbound requests.

Users, Community and Contributors can more easily get involved in day-to-day activities.



Bounty Lifecycle

How A Bounty Is Constructed



What Makes Right Now Special

The PoolTogether Bounties Program is an experiment to supercharge the protocol.

PoolTogether is a very unique position in all of decentralized finance.

<aside> πŸ“² Product Market Fit

<aside> πŸ’Œ Strong Community Support

<aside> πŸ’Ή Powerful Financial Primitive

Because the PoolTogether protocol has product market fit, strong community support and is design to be powerful financial primitive it’s primed for strong upwards growth.